Tuesday 31 October 2017

Turnip or Pumpkin?

Happy Halloween!

Trick or treat? No, not for me, it's called guising where I come from! So if any little darlings come round to Academia (my flat) this year, for ten bob they'll need to perform one of these elementary tasks, but they do have a choice, I’m not mean:

1) Recite Shakespeare's Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate etc. in full;

2) Name all the members of The Beatles in descending order of height;

3) Sing 'O soave fanciulla' from La Boheme.

I'd say that's perfectly reasonable, don’t you? ;-)

Have a smashing day everybody and don’t forget, a tumshie lantern trumps a pumpkin one all day long...

I have posted a few pics of the golfing trews I was wearing on Saturday, which nobody 'batted' an eyelid to when I went shopping afterwards. Edinburgh eh? And who doesn't like a pumpkin full of wine?

See you all on Friday,



  1. Halloween is my favourite time of year (as well as my wedding anniversary)! I used to love dressing up and going trick or treating with my friends. This year was my first outing with my own 2 children. My son's joke of choice - "what is a mouse's favourite game? - Hide and squeak!" He's only 6 and thinks it's hilarious.
    Steph O

  2. Halloween is the best time of year!
    GOSH Mark i'm lucky if i got a joke off the kids! i also get quizzical faces when i ask them for a joke as most of them havent prepared for it.
    Also, those trousers are on point. My uncle golfs quite a lot and has groovy pants like that. ( Much to the disappointment of my aunt he keeps hiding them)
    Don't think he'd get away with wearing them around Wishaw though :p

    1. You have to be bold wearing them. I love walking down Princes Street as if it is perfectly standard to wear such colourful breeks!

  3. Love the BREEKS and love the function of the pumpkin great idea must remember that WINE COOLER lol
