Friday 27 October 2017

Scottish women to be allowed to take abortion pill at home

The link above is for an article on the story Lorraine alerted us to in the class this morning. Thank you for that by the way, as I hadn't picked this one up at all.

Women in Scotland are to be the first in the UK to be allowed to take the abortion pill at home.

Campaigners have welcomed the move and called for it to be rolled out across the rest of Great Britain.

However, ministers were warned going ahead with the plans risks a return to the days of 'back-street abortions'.

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), which has been lobbying to change the law in the UK, urged Theresa May to follow the Scottish government's lead.

So what do you think about this story?



  1. I don't want to say too much here as this is an upsetting subject for me for various reasons and I saw this story on facebook and some of the comments were awful from both sides of the argument, I had to stop reading as it was too emotional. I know everyone will have there own reasons for doing this and use this method but each case is very personal and individual. To take this at home though? I'm not to sure. what if things go wrong?

  2. Yes each case is different for its own reason but i am very concerened about people being allowed to do this at home on there own. I cant bear to think about it and the things that can go wrong.

  3. Thank you both for your comments. I fear there will be more questions than answers on this topic. I think this will be a story to keep an eye on for sure.

  4. I'm actually not sure how I feel regarding this. I am all for women having their own choice so I'm not against abortions per se, however, I think I feel that something like this should take place in a safe environment. Although it does say that women experiencing a miscarriage have the same option so I'm just not sure.
    Steph O
