Friday 6 October 2017

Discussion Success

Hello all,

I listened to and assessed two excellent discussions this morning. One on abortion and the other on transgender issues.

Well done to all of those involved today, I enjoyed listening to the research and opinions. All 11 students passed the outcome.

I look forward to the discussions next Friday too.




  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the group discussion today on abortion and it didn't half fly in. Good luck to the other groups next week.

  2. I cant believe how quickly the time went,thank you Mark for this positive feedback. 1 assessment down many more to go :). Good luck to the other groups for next week use will smash it.

  3. Indeed, the time flies in really quickly in this assessment, but it is due to the research students do before, the fact there is so much information on the chosen subjects and a willingness to engage, challenge, use anecdotal and personal commentary all contribute to effective discussions. Feedback is of course important and one aspect of learning and teaching that I am passionate about. Well done again and I am sure the remaining two groups will also dazzle. Mark
