Saturday 10 March 2018

Schedule of work for next few weeks

Hi all,

Here is how the next couple of weeks will look for us in the Communication class.

16/3 - reflect on the oral presentation assessments, teaching around the Listening assessment (slides for you to keep as we did for the reading tasks), watch a TED presentation.

 23/3 - analyse the TED talk in detail in small groups (with sample answers provided as we did for the reading). I will give you out the first Listening assessment at the end of this class. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THE ASSESSMENT OVER THE EASTER HOLIDAYS, BUT I SUSPECT SOME OF YOU MIGHT WANT TO. I WON'T BE MARKING ANYTHING OVER THE HOLIDAYS.

 30/3 - HOLIDAY.

When we come back from the Easter break there will be two weeks in class time to work on the assessment, submission date Friday 27th April 2018.

There are two Listening assessments: one is an individual presentation and the other is a group discussion.

The presentation is a TED talk on a nutrition theme and the other is a discussion on children and their use of social media, so hopefully both quite interesting topics. The assessments are both new for 2018 and I am sure that you will fare well with both.

On Friday 4th May I will be giving out the final three assessments which are the social media discussion mentioned above, a 650 word essay on a vocationally relevant topic of your choosing (agreed with me) and the report you are doing for HIV.

I will be providing some notes on the writing and giving you a couple of exemplar reports to help you and materials on referencing. I will also be popping a few bits and bobs on the blog for you along the way.

Last year's Nursing students (all members of both classes) really liked the idea of working at their own pace to get the last three assessments done. You will still come in at 9 on a Friday, but you are free to go to the library should you wish (and do work at home too). This yielded the best results and I am adopting the same strategy this year. Essentially we will be communicating by e mail with your assessments, so I will need to dig out a wee assessment planner of my own so that I know who has passed what. But you know I'll be all over that, so don't panic, ha ha.

Nearly there, but not QUITE on the final stretch yet!

Cheers and have a lovely weekend. I look forward to seeing everybody next Friday.
