Wednesday 28 March 2018

Before you feel pressure, watch this

This is a very interesting presentation which I feel may resonate.

I decided not to go to study Music at the Royal Academy when I was 17. I was very competent at music, I was accepted onto the course after many auditions, interviews, theory testing etc., but I didn't love the subject enough to do it for the rest of my life. I needed a plan B. That was working in a bank. Can you imagine? That lasted less than 2 years so I went to Australia for a couple of years.

At that point I applied to University and graduated with a First Class Degree when I was 26.

I had no idea that I would become the youngest lecturer at Napier University and thereafter the youngest Programme Leader because the 'timeline' as it were hadn't been mapped out. I'm so glad it wasn't.

The person who handed me a no pressure lectureship contract in 1995 had a lot of faith in me, to pursue a career I had given NO thought to at any point in my life.

Time? It is right when it is right. I hope you enjoy the video, I know I did. Seize the moment when it is right for you. That is the essence of Further Education after all.



  1. Nicola MacPhee2 April 2018 at 12:03

    AMAZING! Absolutely loved this one. When the headmaster was talking I was starting to think to myself that what he was saying was presumptuous and not necessarily true and so I was relieved when Jay turned up and started his version. He is so right, everyone has different ways and times of doing things in their life, he got those kids so inspired and gave them hope, you could tell by their faces. It is true though my son for example will hopefully qualify next year for a career choice he adores but the industry is so difficult that he may not be able to get a job and he is 21, as much as this may be disappointing I know that there are other options just as there have been for me.
    I loved this so much, can we not do this one for the listening? hahaha. I hope you are having a nice time off?

  2. Yes it’s a great delivery and hopefully many members of the class will be able to find time to watch it, as the message is so pertinent to so many. Golf and relaxing going well thank you! Mark
