Tuesday 12 December 2017

Should organ donor rules be changed?


Thanks to Nicola who informed me about this story from the news this morning.

This is an important story and an issue which merits some discussion.

As Nicola rightly pointed out in her e mail to me, she posed the following question: what if people forget to opt out?

This is a real moral dilemma and one pertinent for Nurses to be, but is most definitely a real societal issue.

I look forward to your thoughts.

If there are any other news issues you think would be good for the blog, do let me know.


PS - here is a link to the NHS Organ Donation site should you need further information: https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/about-donation/what-is-organ-donation/


  1. I won't comment too much as I have already done so via my email, but to others if you can find the video from BBC Breakfast on this subject it was interesting to hear the opposing thoughts of the medical ethics lecturers. It gets you thinking about everyone involved because whilst organ donation is important so are peoples beliefs and values.

  2. I am all for the change and the 'opt out' rather than 'opt in'. I do understand that people could forget however, I believe that if people's beliefs against it are that strong then they should make the time.
    It is also an issue that people find it morbid to discuss these kinds of issues so push the issue to the side. This could be detrimental to opting in or out.
    I am a registered donor but don't have a card anymore. I believe that organ donation is such an important issue that everyone should consider their options and make it their responsibility to make sure their beliefs are followed either way. And people should make sure to discuss their choices with those around them as well, no matter how morbid the subject.

  3. Thanks Steph. You raise a number of salient points there about choice and discussing choices. This can be a difficult topic for some people to articulate their thoughts on. I am registered too but I have no idea where my card is nowadays. I too think it is an important issue and as Nicola had noted to me in her initial e mail, there is the issue of ethics and the counter argument too...
