Tuesday 21 November 2017

How virtual reality is taking dementia patients back to the future


I thought this was an interesting health related article / video worth posting.

The notion that people living with dementia become more feeling beings than thinking beings is quite an interesting one I think.

I am glad to see that this innovative idea is bringing happiness to dementia sufferers, a trick of the mind if you like. It is clear that the users are uplifted, which is a clear positive.

The aim of The Wayback is to help spark memories and start conversations that grow harder to come by as the disease takes hold. The film struck a chord with the staff and the residents, both those living with dementia and those without, bringing back long lost memories for all.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjUAjbO6X7F21JZ5tNTV49g - the WayBack reaction!

I hope this has raised a smile and made you reflect.



  1. I think this a fantastic way forward if you like for dementia sufferers. I have actually forwarded this link to my cousin down south as her dad my uncle suffers from dementia he is 75 years old, he always talks about the past and laughs and smiles every time he does he still thinks he is living in the same place he was born so this would be a fab idea for him. My cousin is already looking into this for her dad. Great piece enjoyed reading it.

  2. That’s great Lorraine. The blog is for everybody who wants to engage and I try to put lots of varied information on it. Thanks for your comments. The story certainly made me smile.

  3. Absolutely wonderful, love this idea, a very moving and touching video and idea because it is hard for a younger generation to even imagine what it was like for the older generation and so this is great for even younger people in care so they can add to the conversation.

  4. This is honestly absolutely marvellous !! The things they can do nowadays is absolutely phenomenal , alot of the older generation do not rate modern technology or its uses. So for something to be created specifically for suffers of dementia and memory loss is such a magnificent way to help ease the terrible effects and give them brief reminiscent and happy memories, thoughts and feelings.

  5. This is wonderful. Thanks for posting this Mark.
