Friday 13 October 2017

Discussion assessments, part two

Well done to the students who participated in the discussion assessment today. All attendees passed and both groups (each discussing euthanasia) produced some great discussion points.

I was struck by some personal anecdotes and the amount of research put in prior to assessment, and every student provided a lot of content to be reflected upon.

For those students who were assessed today, let me know what you thought about the session.

 All the best,



  1. i loved every minute of it!!
    It was daunting at first but then i settled myself and it was just talking to a group of friends

    Thanks girls
    & Mark obviously

  2. It all comes down to the research each individual comes armed with and an open mind. That is what sets this apart from a debate as you don't have to have a preconceived opinion. The clarity of thought across all four discussions were of a high standard.
