Friday 16 March 2018

Bacteria found in water at Glasgow Royal Hospital for Children

This is a worrying story I have been reading about and one worthy of some discussion potentially. I was surprised to read Dr Teresa Inkster, infection control doctor, said: "It's not unusual for children in this type of ward to suffer infections...


  1. This is very worrying, I hope they get to the bottom of it soon as a lot of children who are in these wards are children that are in and out of hospital frequently due to their illnesses which contribute to them having an already low immune system, so I am surprised at the differing comments from the health authorities, one is saying it has concerns as it could pose harm and the other is confident that it is very low risk.

    "Health officials said the bacteria could pose harm to patients with "compromised" immunity".

    "The health board said the bacteria posed "very low risk" to anyone with a healthy immune system"

    I hope the children are on the mend and nothing worse comes of this.

  2. I haven't seen any follow-up story on this matter, but yes, I hope all is well with everybody affected.
