Thursday 11 January 2018

Link to a recommended blog on mental health

Greetings loyal readers.

I would like to refer you to an innovative new blog I have been reading lately. I have been a fan of one of the authors, a quite wonderful comedian, and feel privileged to now regard him as a friend. I got to know John Scott quite well last year in particular as I recommended his sell out show 'Delusions', a semi-biographical show about mental health, combined with topical satire to many a friend, all of whom were thoroughly entertained. It was at this time that he met Elle and soon realised she was a voice that really should be heard, so now they author this blog together.

I think it will be good to read their words now and again, and like me, you might wish to bookmark their blog address. I'm sure they would be happy to hear any comments you might have on their writings.

Anyway, here is the link should you wish to read a different blog from time to time rather than ours! If you click on the 'blog' link at the top of their page you will see Elle and John's insightful reflections.

See you all tomorrow,



  1. Just had a look over the most recent blogs from Elle and John and I love it already. Very interesting points and an insight to what it's like for them and how much they have had to overcome. I have saved the link to this blog and will be a regular reader. Loving John's Unicorn joke.

  2. Yes, I must admit I do gravitate to John’s keen sense of observational humour too and astute comments on society. He’s a very funny and versatile performer and writer and clearly enjoying his educational journey and doing really really well too unsurprisingly to me. Articulating our thoughts is so important and I’m looking forward to hearing everybody’s thoughts on their own personal journeys tomorrow. I wonder how different everybody’s lives are since they started in August? Quite a lot I’ll wager. John is an inspirational personality and somebody I really enjoy listening to whatever the context. Thanks for your comments Nicola and I’ll pass them on to him as he’ll be thrilled I’m sure.

  3. I’ve Just had a quick look at the blog, and I to have signed up and can see me being an avid reader of this, I love their outlook and how comfortable they feel in themselves that now they have a proper diagnose of their mental illness, I think that they still and anybody who suffers from a mental illness have a long way to go to before they are able to shake off the stigma of “oh he’s/she’s not right in the head” or “watch yourself that one’s a nutter”, grrr gets me so mad, people need better educating into this. I myself wish them good luck on their ventures and look forward to reading more about their so called episodes.

    1. That’s great Darleen. John got in touch with me and is so thankful for all of our comments and he noted it means a great deal to him and Elle. See you tomorrow.
