Monday 25 December 2017

Merry Xmas Everybody!

Hello everyone and merry Xmas.

Sadly I have succumbed to the dreaded lurgy, (no, NOT the man 'flu variety, but the real deal, ha ha), so I have spent the day in bed which for somebody who only takes 5 hours sleep is really quite something! And not in a good way. That said, I have four new golfing breeks for the 2018 season, which is your favourite / least liked?! Shamrock and Roll, Fore of a Kind, Interference or Ferries Wheels? Ha ha.

I hope you all had a lovely day and you were in better nick than I am.

All the best,



  1. Shamrock and roll and Ferris wheels by far are my faves.

    We recently all chipped in for my little baby cousin for an "ultimate golf lesson" and bought her some snazzy breeks n jumper too lol. Don't as out there as yours but close enough lol

    Steph coop

    1. Oh yes, I like the sound of this! Plenty colour on the course is always a good thing in my book, so that gets my seal of approval!

  2. Ps hope you had a good Christmas and get better soon and hope you have a wonderful new year. See you in the new year.

    Steph coop

  3. Hi Mark
    Sorry to hear you were ill over Christmas, that horrid lurgy did the rounds at Castle Sneddon to.

    I have to say I approve of the Playing card attire, but one is not a fan of the loud trousers sorry hehe. I hope you have a great Hogmanay and I look forward to starting all over again in the January.

    Many Thanks Darleen.

    1. Hi Darleen. Well I’d be surprised if the ‘fashion slacks’ were everybody’s cup of tea! Sorry you were struck down too, I’ve heard a wheen of illness stories sadly. Onwards into 2018 right enough and to build on all the great work we’ve done so far. Have a lovely Hogmanay.


  4. Oh no! Mark, I am SO sorry, but I am not a fan of any of these! Have to agree with Darleen there, I am not a fan of loud trousers. I hope you are feeling better now, the current flu situation is getting out of hand, there is so many people sick with it!

    1. Ha ha, I always welcome any comments about my whacky trousers, good, bad or indifferent! I’m feeling much better thank you. It’s been a tough break but I’ll be raring to go next week for sure! Hope you’ve had a nice break yourself.


