Tuesday 10 October 2017

Noel Conway: Terminally ill man loses right-to-die case

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-41506155 - this is a story from a few days ago about a man who is terminally ill with motor neurone disease who lost his High Court challenge to fight for his right to die.

The judgment does confirm, however, that the courts do have the authority to declare current inconsistency with human rights.

Noel Conway, a grandfather and retired lecturer from Shrewsbury, was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in November 2014 and is not expected to live beyond 12 months.

Both groups on Friday will be looking at the contentious issue of euthanasia and that is what prompted me to post this story for all members of the class to comment on.

I do understand that this issue can be sensitive, personal, difficult to articulate thoughts on, but if you do wish to make some comments, please do so in the box below.



  1. Hannah Ferguson.11 October 2017 at 12:50

    I can see both sides to this delicate subject and feel you just cannot comment or pass too much judgement if not in this situation yourself. It would be harrowing to be in such a state and situation. It is a truly heartbreaking situation for all involved. Hannah.

  2. I find this a really hard subject. I agree its hard to comment if you are not emotionally involved as i think my opinion would change if i was emotionally involved. I think what the judge said about just awaiting the death when it comes i can understand because that's what everyone in life has do do you don't know when you are going to die, but in this instance he does and does not want to see the horrible ending he will face. Lorraine
