Thursday 28 September 2017

Oxford student 'too bright' for prison is spared jail for stabbing boyfriend

I await your comments on this quite extraordinary story.




  1. I find it rather alarming that the lady in question was let off so leniently. It is a shame such a bright girl has had to halt her studies after coming so far especially when she was spared a sentence due to being so bright. So even though no sentence was served it has still impacted her professional career and dreams. Even though I can see why the judge did what he did it doesn't set a good example to others or look good for victims.

    Hannah Ferguson.

  2. Well this was an interesting read. I cant believe she got off with it because of where and what she is studying. I just feel she committed the crime she should do the time. If that had been Jo Blog that went to a different college or university doing some other course do you think they would have been let off I THINK

    Lorraine Cossar

  3. I suspect this story could yield a few comments from members of the class!

  4. WOW, I am always the person that is willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. After reading this article I have so many mixed emotions. The girl obviously has some very serious mental health issues that require addressing, to which I believe she has proved to the judge that she is having these addressed, but for how long? was this a desperate attempt to get out of what she had done under the influence of drugs and alcohol or was this a wake up call for her to get her life sorted? either way she still did what she did and all because someone who cared very much for her had concerns. This brought my thoughts to the attention of the victim, he was trying to help and now he most probably doesn't trust anyone and has even less trust in the justice system. I believe there are cases where based on social status individuals walk free from these crimes because they can afford important people to fight their case and I also believe that the judge can be influenced and as one of the individuals in the report says, if this were a man or someone from an ethnic minority or indeed a poor person the outcome would be entirely different!
    I suppose though she now has to live with her actions because she is so well recognised that she can't obtain employment and at the moment has given up her studies. It says in the report that it would be a shame/waste if she were to give them up completely because of her academic ability, this may be true to anyone with academic abilities but I believe she still has to sort out her mental health issues completely and refrain from drugs and alcohol before considering returning to medicine, would she even be allowed to? I understand that these studies are very difficult and a lot is involved and it is known that students do turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping strategy but in this case it's all got too much and she snapped and some sort of sentence should have been given as I feel that the victim has been ignored in all of this.

  5. Wendy Morrison

    It is very hard to convicted someone of unsound mind which in this case she was , she has a lot of medical conditions on going. These are contributing factors. Due to her physical and mental state she most likely will never become as heart surgeon as also this case will be on her records and also has been in the press so will always be there for everyone to see. I feel the main concern is the university and not actually the victim. In the statement there is very little mention of the victim and how he has suffered it is all about the young girl and university. At the end of the day there is always 3 sides to a story you have the truth, and each party involved's version of events. Clearly in this case there is more to it than we are being told in the statement. This is just my thoughts I never really fully believe what is told to us in the papers or on line there's always an large element of story telling.
